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200 Red Roses Bouquet

200 red roses, one of the most beautiful red rose branches, arranged in an amazing way to suit all important occasions and to leave a beautiful impression with your loved one's memory.

White Roses

The vase coordinated with white roses suitable for all occasions, which symbolizes Calm and peace.


The vase coordinated to express your feelings to your loved one's, the purple color symbolizes deep love and loyalty.

Orange Roses Bouquet | Bostani Chocolate

This exquisite bouquet combines the vibrant beauty of orange roses with the rich, delectable taste of Bostani chocolate, creating a truly delightful gift. The bright and cheerful orange roses symbolize joy and enthusiasm, making them perfect for celebrating life's happy moments. Paired with the finest Bostani chocolate, known for its irresistible flavor and luxurious quality, this arrangement is designed to bring a smile to anyone's face. Whether it's for a birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion, this bouquet is a thoughtful and delicious way to create lasting memories and moments of pure happiness.
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